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Mum's Pho Recipe

“My mum’s pho is the best!” – is the phrase you will hear from every Vietnamese child when it comes to talking about their family’s own homemade pho. A statement which, to this day, myself and my siblings 100% believe in. We are so proud of mum’s pho that we all take turns to call our closest friends over to share the joy we get when eating this delicious, world renowned dish. Growing up, it was the one dish I remember coming home to and instantly smelling the fragrant pho spices from outside. I would instantly get excited, because at that exact moment, I knew what dish was going to be served for dinner. Every mum’s pho will always be...

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When the stars aligned for My Kitchen Co.

2022 is going to be an exciting year! Why you ask? If you’ve been following me on my journey this far, you may know that I am investing much love and time into growing My Kitchen Co (MKC) - and if you’ve stumbled across my blog, whether by accident or not, I’d like to give a warm welcome!  Over the festive holiday season, I kept pondering on what would be a good introduction to really kick off and share this journey with you - and it just feels right to share my personal story on how it all began before we get down to business.   Deep breath. Reflecting back on 2021, I can sit here and tell you all that...

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